The slime coming out of the Venezuelan government and state media keeps oozing over Libya's ongoing genocide.
As posted on the Venezuelan State TV website and Consistent with Muammar Gadaffi's ramblings, the Venezuelan ambassador in Libya reported to Venezuelan state media that the situation in Tripoli is:
"calm, media outlets are broadcasting images from four days ago and say this is going on right now; in reality nothing is going on."
"This is the third day in Libya where there hasn't been a single bloodshed."
"We can go out to the streets in tranquility, commerce in Tripoli is open to a certain point; nothing is going on in the city or its surroundings, everything is calm, unlike what's being reported in some media outlets."
Telesur, a Chavista sympathizer news outlet, has journalists on the ground keeping up with the murderous massacre ordered by the Ghadaffi family. Even with gangster Mahmoud Ahmadinejad acknowledging Ghadaffi's massive campaign of annihilation, Telesur journalists reported:
"We went around the green square, commercial zones, and there is not a single trace of any bombings, there are no images that register any of this which was informed by the international media."
"not a single piece, not a single trace that there was a bombing , as far Tripoli goes"
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