Among the many unconfirmed reports about Gadaffi fleeing to Venezuela, it is perhaps a good opportunity to make a small post as a homage to Hugo Chavez disgusting support of one of the oldest autocracies in the middle east, Libya.
In the picture above we can see Chavez hosting Gadaffi's on his latest visit to Venezuela in 2009 where he was awarded Simon Bolivar's sword as a tribute for his courage in fighting imperialism.
Chavez citation was as follows:
"This is the sword that liberated America 200 years ago. This sword is alive, and today travels about Latin America in the name of our people, of the Bolivarian Revolution, which I hand over to you(Gadaffi), revolutionary soldier, leader of the Libyan people, leader of the peoples of Africa."
With this rather convenient theme among these autocrats, Chavez has also awarded Simon Bolivar's sword to Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran and top dog gangster Vladimir Putin of Russia.
Ironically, Gadaffi named Benghazi's soccer stadium after Chavez, which at this point is effectively in control of Gadaffi's opposition. I wonder if this stadium's name is going to remain.... = )
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