Thursday, February 24, 2011

Venezuelan Ambassador in Libya: "Its the third day without a single drop of blood"

The slime coming out of the Venezuelan government and state media keeps oozing over Libya's ongoing genocide.
As posted on the Venezuelan State TV website and Consistent with Muammar Gadaffi's ramblings, the Venezuelan ambassador in Libya reported to Venezuelan state media that the situation in Tripoli is:

"calm, media outlets are broadcasting images from four days ago and say this is going on right now; in reality nothing is going on."

"This is the third day in Libya where there hasn't been a single bloodshed."

"We can go out to the streets in tranquility, commerce in Tripoli is open to a certain point; nothing is going on in the city or its surroundings, everything is calm, unlike what's being reported in some media outlets."

Telesur, a Chavista sympathizer news outlet, has journalists on the ground keeping up with the murderous massacre ordered by the Ghadaffi family. Even with gangster Mahmoud Ahmadinejad acknowledging Ghadaffi's massive campaign of annihilation, Telesur journalists reported:

"We went around the green square, commercial zones, and there is not a single trace of any bombings, there are no images that register any of this which was informed by the international media."

"not a single piece, not a single trace that there was a bombing , as far Tripoli goes"

Monday, February 21, 2011

Venezuelan foreign ministry's cynical response to Libya's genocide

A communique released today by Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro reveals that the ample collaboration between the Venezuelan and Libyan government will probably go until the last bullet.

The communique, released simultaneously as Libyan airplanes were bombing civilian protesters outlines how Maduro is being kept informed about the current developments in direct communication with Libya's Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa. The main purpose of the communique was to perhaps clarify that Gadaffi was not on his way to Venezuela, as the British Foreign minister speculated, yet its language of deception was simply hilarious.

The press release, which makes no reference of the ongoing massacre, relates how Maduro was informed that "the leader Muammar Gadaffi is in Tripoli exercising the powers that the state confers onto him and its dealing with the ongoing situation in the country."

Besides other euphemisms, Maduro reassured its ongoing communication and collaboration with the murderous Libyan government:"Finally, the foreign ministers of Libya and Venezuela agreed to keep in touch to exchange information in first hand about the evolution of the developments in the brother land."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The revolting support of Chavez to Gadaffi's Libya

Among the many unconfirmed reports about Gadaffi fleeing to Venezuela, it is perhaps a good opportunity to make a small post as a homage to Hugo Chavez disgusting support of one of the oldest autocracies in the middle east, Libya.

In the picture above we can see Chavez hosting Gadaffi's on his latest visit to Venezuela in 2009 where he was awarded Simon Bolivar's sword as a tribute for his courage in fighting imperialism.
Chavez citation was as follows:

"This is the sword that liberated America 200 years ago. This sword is alive, and today travels about Latin America in the name of our people, of the Bolivarian Revolution, which I hand over to you(Gadaffi), revolutionary soldier, leader of the Libyan people, leader of the peoples of Africa."

With this rather convenient theme among these autocrats, Chavez has also awarded Simon Bolivar's sword to Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran and top dog gangster Vladimir Putin of Russia.

Ironically, Gadaffi named Benghazi's soccer stadium after Chavez, which at this point is effectively in control of Gadaffi's opposition. I wonder if this stadium's name is going to remain.... = )