Saturday, August 8, 2009

Amy Goodman & Zelaya supporter get smashed by former Clinton Advisor

Listen or read Amy Goodman and a Zelaya supporter get completely obliterated by a former Clinton advisor

What a shame.. Goodman starts as a moderator but later has to intervene in the middle of the debate because it was just too much of a smackdown. I want to clarify that I don't support the Honduran coup.. but sometimes radicals face radicalism. OH!!, and in the end, watch how Goodman doesn't want to talk about Venezuela's involvement with the Zelaya government. Its like talking about a Lebanese election without mentioning Syria, Iran or the US. DISGRACEFUL!!

Democracy Now or yesterday?

Goodman and Davis debating. I am not showing the other guy's picture because he was tacitally disqualified by Goodman herself. Listen to the debate yourself!

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