Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Democracy Now is not reporting on Hugo Chavez bid for perpetuity

As of December 3 2008, Democracy Now's Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales have not reported on Chavez bid for perpetuity despite a rejected referendum on the same question in december 2007. "There is no Chavismo without Chavez, there is no Chavista dissidence" "If god gives me health I'll stay in power until 2019, 2021."

Similarly Democracy Now did not reported when Chavez enacted the Patriot Act of Venezuela, which encouraged citizens to spy on each other, only until Chavez backed down on it. Never in the week it was enacted Democracy Now even acknowledged it.

Chavez latest defeat is the equivalent of a US election opponent win on the mayorship of New York City and the governorship of New York, California and Florida. These victories by the opposition ignited the worst fears in Chavez unleashing his inner-most absolutist demons. The victories where: the mayorship of Caracas, and the governorships of Zulia,Miranda, Carabobo, Tachira and Nueva Esparta. A big blow, was also the loss of the municipality of Petare, the worst Favela in Venezuela(Caracas is made out of 5 municipalities, 4 were won by the opposition).

On a parallel note in Colombia, Uribe's reelection in 2010 has been almost vanquished and the option to opt for a third term in 2014 is still alive. I can only hope, even if I wanted, that Uribe never gets reelected. Its time for a change in leadership, so the progress of Uribe's government is not dependent on his leadership only. In fact, if Chavez wants to help his archenemy Alvaro Uribe to get his reelection, then he's playing the right cards, because Hugo Chavez until 2021 would only embolden the Colombian electorate to remain with a proper counterweight such as Uribe. This is of course in context to Rafael Correa's recent landslide on a constitutional reform that would allow him to get reelected indefinitely, and the prospects of Ollanta Humala winning in Peru.

Good news is the prospect of Ricardo Lagos going back to the helm in Chile.. nobody can't forget Lagos avoiding Chavez attempt to hug him. check it...

Democracy now? or yesterday?

1 comment:

skywalker said...

Good reason why Democracy Now doesn't report it - They don't repeat lies.
The facts:
For Hugo Chavez to stand again a referendum must first be put and supported by the voters( the last proposals lost) then if passed, then every six years defeat who ever wishes to stand against him.

But of what use are facts to US politicians and jounalists, when they stand in the way of attacking popular socialist politicians like President Chavez?