Never can an authoritarian regime subsist without a lynch mob. In Panama it was the "Batallones de la Dignidad" directed by nowadays Panamanian Public Works Minister Benjamin Colamarco. (This link is a documentary by Al Jazeera, not CNN, not MSNBC, its Al Jazeera). In Zimbabwe for example, its just necessary to take a look at their last fake election to see how important they were for Robert Mugabe.
But Venezuela, yeah Venezuela's benevolent social revolution also has theirs. They are called La Piedrita, this is of course besides the regular bolivarian lynch mobs . By the way, take a look a the latest mob lynching by Pro Chavez supporters. The pictures shown is how was the city Hall of Caracas left after a grave defacing of the building's facade and interior of the offices. This happened the night before Antonio Ledezma, Caracas mayor-elect (opposed to Chavez) was to take posession. But this is just a visual lynching that is far more subtle to the real sabotage that happened institutionally by executive edict of Hugo Chavez, relieving the majorship of Caracas of its authority over the police force starting the day of Ledezma assumption of office. I will post more information on this regarding the far more serious situation at a gubernatorial level (Miranda's goverment property sabotage by loser Diosdallo Cabello was just unbelievable).

Military Truck painted with La Piedrita slogan and La Piedrita banners outside the Library (Click on picture for closer look)