Beware of the conspiracy.
Hugo Chavez has given proper orders for Carlos Galvis Fajardo to leave Venezuela as he was recorded on a telephone call with a senior advisor to the president of Colombia praising the victory of Chavez opposition in Zulia, Carabobo, Miranda, Maracaibo, Caracas etc.
Unfortunately this is a major blunder by Colombia in relationship to the Venezuelan opposition. If there is anything that can help Chavez curtail of civil liberties in Venezuela is stuff like this... if you speak spanish listen to it, here's the link. I am going to quote in english the worse parts that are being used by the pro Chavez press right now, and these quotes leaves a lot undefined useful insinuations. They go as follow:
Carlos Galvis - Colombian Consul in Zulia /// Jose Obdulio: One of Colombia's President senior advisor
Carlos Galvis: "The two people are really good friends and I think for our job over there(in Colombia) this is wonderful"
Carlos Galvis: "There is some people, a few characters, very strategic for the other side which lost. Look for example, we in Zulia and Tachira were won by the opposition"
Jose Obdulio: "Oh, that's great! who won in Tachira?"
Carlos Galvis: "I already spoke with them and we are going to meet and talk about a few 'actions' at a governmental level because I am thinking about what we are doing THERE (Colombia). I only need lights (perhaps understood as green light) from you so I can begin to start"
Carlos Galvis: "These are really great news if things over there(seems to be Colombia) crystallize."
Tomorrow and in the next few months Chavez and all the bolivarian press should feast on these.. they are going to accuse people, they are going to seclude civil liberties, lynch mob time.
Is it a secret that the these guys hate Chavez? no its not, we all know about it.. what plans are there to happen? I can speculate anything, a Chavez follower can speculate its all about the next coup, I could speculate its about another commercial agreements, investment etc. (Zulia, Tachira are all frontier states where commerce with Colombia keeps them bustling).
It doesn't matter, its all speculation. As Galvis himself is doing, he's claiming a violation of international law for the taping of his phone, US patriot act style, which is illegal. Lets just say none of that matters because this is all irrelevant when we put context to this.....
Who remembers Pavel Rondon? Venezuelan Ambassador in Bogota, February 2007.
Here's a video of at the time the Venezuelan Ambassador in Bogota at a public meeting inside Colombia.
I will as I did on the previous recording quote the worse parts of Mr. Rondon's public appearance at a political meeting inside Colombia:
Pavel Rondon, Venezuelan AMBASSADOR in Bogota, standing up shouting to a big crowd:
"Hail to Comandante Hugo Chavez!!" Crowd chants back: Viva!
"Hail to the Polo Democratico Alternativo!!" Viva! Polo Democratico Alternativo is an opposition party to Uribe's government.
"Hail to the Bolivarian Circles!" Viva!
"Hail to socialism!" Viva!
"And we said, look, I want you to tell me what's going to happen in a year with the Liberal Party that could dissappear." Why(somebody asks) "Why? because we've been analyzing this, and that wasn't told to us by Fidel. The liberal party in Colombia, we said at the time, of course we did so INTERNALLY in the embassy, and we are going to FOLLOW UP with that."
As the news note related, that day Ambassador Rondon went about Colombia's township areas to see and analyze potential Venezuelan investment.
Down with the government of Alvaro Uribe Velez?? pretty bad isn't it? definitely better than some green light speculation about ANYTING which involved the Colombian Zulia consul, specially coming from theVenzuelan ambassador who resides in Bogota
Is that not enough?
Lets take a look at what the Justice minister of Venezuela at the time, January 2008, Ramon Rodriguez Chacin told the FARC guerrillas during the liberation process of Clara Rojas, Consuelo Gonzales, Gloria Polanco and other hostages. Check the video. Of course, very important to mention, is Piedad Cordoba in the foreground, happy as sin.. but lets get to it, what did Rodriguez Chacin said:
Rodriguez Chacin
"Congratulations, We are very aware of your struggle, keep that SPIRIT, keep the EFFORT and keep aware"
A little background on this man, he was sent by Chavez in 2000 to the Caguan when negotiations with the FARC took place, and his visits were so frequent and so suspicious that the government of Colombia, at the time lead by Andres Pastrana, prohibited him to visit again without explicit governmental authorization.
Keep that spirit, keep the effort? that's pretty revealing, specially by giving advise to the same armed group that extort and kidnap venezuelan nationals(Panamanian, Ecuadorian, Spanish etc.). The same armed group that is the number one perpetrator of land mine injuries in the WORLD surpassing Afghanistan and Cambodia. The same armed group that is explicitly dedicated to the demise of the Colombian government, although I don't believe that's their real goal, but that's another conversation.
But that's ok, reach your own conclusions, the information is here, check it, in the record.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Chavez, Fidel and their miserable intellectuals
Alan Dershowitz once pleaded in an israeli/palestinian conflict debate at Harvard against Noam Chomsky for pro-israeli government scholars to "stop being more israeli than the israeli themselves" and for anti-israeli scholars to "stop being more palestinian than the palestinian themselves." Being a constant reader of Bolivarian circles literature, sometimes one can catch one-self laughing at the things these guys need to put up with because of their leader's foolishness and incoherency.
A recent good example was Alvaro Uribe's visit to Venezuela. After one year(2007-2008) of the hardest vitriol, lead by university scholars such as James Petras, Narciso Isa Conde, Nestor Kohan among others. In Venezuela, the lynch mob was lead by recently defeated Carabobo candidate Mario Silva who lobed the worst kind of junk on Alvaro Uribe. Should one debate all of Alvaro Uribe's accusations perhaps is one topic, but for now let us consider these fools actually believe the things they are saying.
To their pleasure Hugo Chavez parroted all of the garbage, of Alvaro Uribe being a Paramilitary leader, orchestrating massacres from his hacienda, of being George W. Bush puppet, of being a top drug smuggler. "Dictadura narco-paramilitar" as they like to go on their never ending mind numbing sentences. To their pleasure Chavez traveled the world spreading the word, sending troops to the colombian frontier, threatening to send his Zukhois over Bogota, to deliver the FARC from their "terrorist" pro-noun in every international organization's list, namely the UN and the European Union. To their erotic orgasm they saw Chavez almost declare war on Colombia allied by Ecuador, Cuba, Bolivia and Nicaragua.. and as all of this took place their pens kept erecting the worst kinds of lies as they smiled at the sublime image of the FARC and the venezuelan army pulverizing Colombia and turning it into the newest Cuba. Nothing was better as they would turn on nationally televised program "alo presidente" and get their fix on Uribe bashing from Chavez...
Yet after the dust settled suddenly Ingrid Betancourt was freed in the epic hollywodesque Ocean 12's "operacion Jaque" and both Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez suddenly declared that the FARC needed to lay down their weapons and free unilaterally all hostages.
but... its really tough ...when your entire thesis lies on the values of a few idiots, its quite easy to see it crumble in front of your eyes.
It reminded me of Saddam Hussein and Yasser Arafat condemning the september 11 attacks. I was in my office and I almost started freaking crying.. I couldn't possibly believe it.. Ingrid Betancourt was freed... but now what? to put it in the most blatant, superficial way: who's the fool now? who's looking back at the scenes of Hugo Chavez lionizing the FARC in international forums? is the king naked or what? maybe everybody???
So as Petras, Kohan, Ivan Marquez etc. started to triangulate the ideas, putting together a few calculus moves, leibniz, mathematical logic, beating the dead horse etc. I mean they had to come up with something, but what? Petras started trashing Fidel Castro, Ivan Marquez stated in one of the many interviews he broadcasts somewhere in the mountains of Venezuela that "I am not going to exteriorize our feelings(on Castro's statements)." Argentinian Nestor Kohan euphemized the polemic of Petras vs Castro, saying that it is all a minor dissagreement between good revolutionaries. As if we all love each other deep inside. The question is, does Castro or Chavez care?
So now what, pappa revolution is trashing the FARC.. I mean things can't get any worse.. that is until Colombia's air force one landed in Caracas... best thing is to look at the video, but the pictures say a lot:
I mean, WHAT IS THIS MURDERER, DRUG SMUGGLER, MAFIA KING, OLIGARCH Alvaro Uribe doing shaking hands with Comandante Hugo Chavez??? but not anywhere, straight up inside Venezuela. Just look at Chavez Chronies in the right hand picture, all dressed up in uniform and everything.. what's nice is their look of suspiciousness. Its like children in that prime moment when they can finally separate fact from fiction. Lets call the interpol!, oh wait, we already trashed them.. Lets call the hague!! oh shit, we already have a file there.. Lets put him in jail here!! oh no, he's shaking hands with our president!
So something's gotta happen... the FARC apologist PCV, the communist party of Venezuela, condemned Uribe's presence in Venezuela, as one of a war criminal to be tried by the hague. But it is interesting, because of all the parties that barely exist anymore in Venezuela, Chavez doesn't only trashes the parties of the oligarchy, but also the communist party of Venezuela, as of whom he recently called in the november 23rd election: TRAITORS!!. Again, FARC apologist Narciso Isa Conde berated this... as he's the selfproclaimed father of the dominican left, criticized this attitude of Chavez but always did so, like a good servant, by praising his master: "mi comandante."
Sometimes the pipe dreams of these fools actually do become reality, such as the 2002 coup d'etat in Venezuela.. thank god things like operacion jaque happened in order to reverse venezuelan expansion. Like september 11 and Bush, the 2002 coup served Chavez to be a moralist of the revolution, there were no compromises in values, the revolution was under attack from the rich oligarchy, it was a new rennaissance and the FARC was going to benefit from it. Between 2002 and 2008 Chavez and his children were allowed to lie down comfortable at the expense of the coup, world opinion was in their favor, the french were silent, they just wanted to be part of the Ingrid blockbuster, and flirted with Chavez terrorism exemption for the FARC. The US rambled on through Bush's wars, and the intellectuals wrote and burned the ships for Chavez,Castro and the FARC.
But after the genesis of this world of bolivarian piety reality struck in july 2008 and it was such a calamitous earthquake that truth became so evident that Chavez and Castro were forced past the realm of the apology down to the outright REJECTION of the FARC. Hussein and Arafat on 9/11? anyone? But now what for James Petras, Narciso Isa Conde, Nestor Kohen, and Ivan Marquez (please don't kidnap me)? perhaps they should stop being more cuban than pappa cuban himself, perhaps they should stop being more venezuelan than pappa venezuela himself, because they don't give a damn, all they care is that they remain in power for the rest of eternity, and all of their putrid vitriol is only useful whenever its useful for them. Now they should focus their work on Ollanta Humala from Peru, because Evo from Bolivia also called on FARC to lay down weapons.
Please, check it, its in the record, as Noam Chomsky would say.
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